6 reasons why I should go to Gold Coast

When I think about my TOP traveling bucket list, I never put Australia at the top before. Why? maybe because I never knew what is interesting about Australia, at least until I attended “Let The Adventure Begin”, Bloggers Gathering #DwidayaVisitQueensland #DwidayaXFD by Female Daily on 18 December 2015. Speakers from Dwidaya Tour, Australia Tourism, and Virgin Australia brought us knowledge about the country, particularly that of Gold Coast, Queensland. After hearing their presentation,and a little research about Gold Coast, I compiled the following six reasons that make me want to go to Gold Coast so bad:

  1. Adrenaline rush with Gold Coast Adventure

For those who love adventure like me, Gold Coast is one of the best places in Australia that will give you great challenge. Start with the drifting and the thrilling 360 degree spin of Paradise Jetboating, advancing to 230 metres above sea level in Gold Coast SkyPoint Climb, going even higher with the Hot Air Balloon, or if you love playing on the water then you can try Jetpack Flyboard Adventures. If those adventures are still not enough to rush your adrenaline, don’t worry, click here to find the many adventurous activities you can try in Gold Coast.

  1. Everything I Love About Beaches & Water Activity

As a beach & water activity lover, I cannot resist the temptation of cycling on white-sand beaches, whale watching, Australia sunset safari, Gold Coast Island adventure, Gold Coast Buggy Tours, hand-fed dolphins, surfing, diving, and many other beach and water activities. Just mentioned it and Gold Coast will provide it for you. See others water activities here.


Gold Coast summer, Burleigh Heads Beach” by Kerrie Brailsford – https://www.flickr.com/photos/kerriebr/11681650214/. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Commons.

  1. City Sightseeing 

If you are a city lover like me, then Gold Coast offers you many of its magical landmarks, skyscrapers, and also historical sites. Just walk around, rent a car, or take the public transportation for a city tour.


Million dollar view” by Kelly Hunter – https://www.flickr.com/photos/inspirekelly/6055186739/. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Commons.

Gold-Coast-Skyline-at-Night” by marty.vdhhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/46878901@N02/5655964122/in/photostream/. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Commons.

  1.  Back to Nature in Gold Coast Natural Attraction & Amusement Parks

Gold Coast is not only famous because of its beaches and buildings, but also of its Rainforest Skywalk in Mount Tamborinewalk through a canopy of flowering and fruiting trees covered by vines whilst you explore the epiphytic orchids and ferns surrounded by the many birds and animals that inhabit the tree tops. You may also enjoy the Gold Coast Botanical Garden;ee, taste, and learn about fruits from around the World in the Tropical Fruit World, and many more!

  1.  Spoil Your Tummy with Amazing Food & Culinary

From Paddock Bakery to Hurricanes Grill Surfer’s Paradise, Gold Coast will never let your tongue and tummy down. Check all of the great culinary here.

  1. Shopping & Night Life 

People said, it’s not a traveling before you see the market and its night life. There are 700 malls in Queensland, which not yet include the street market like Surfers’ Paradise beach front and night quarter market. If you love shopping then prepare your biggest suitcase to bring all of Australian products back home with you.


After identifying all these reasons to visit Gold Coast, my next questions are: “how do I get there?” “How do I prepare my trip and my itinerary?” “How to get the Australian tourist visa?” Well, through their presentation at the bloggers gathering, Dwidaya Tour mentioned that they will provide everything you need for your trip, including the tour package at an affordable price. See the package here:

  1. Flexy Holiday Package 

This package is suitable for those who have limited time. In 4 nights of stay, you can visit the Movie World, Dream World, and Paradise Country Farm Tour. Start from IDR 5.320.000 thatinclud the return tickets.

flexy package


  1. Costsaver Holiday Package

This is the best seller package for summer holiday, start with IDR 23.500.000 you will have 8 days of amazing journey in Australia + Philip Island + Tangalooma. Also there are other packages that will suit your schedule and budget.

costsaver package

  1. Premiere Package

Last but not least, is the premiere package that offers the luxurious and unforgettable experience for you. Yet, Dwidaya Tour also offers you flexibility, beside the packages, you can also create your own destination or activity and Dwidaya Tour will be happy to accommodate your needs. Contact Dwidaya Tour via their Twitter @Dwidaya_Tour or their Website for more information.

premiere package


About Dwidaya Tour

Established on 19 July 1967, PT. Dwidaya World Wide now have more than 70 branches in all over Indonesia. Dwidaya Tour product & service are air ticketing, tour package, Corporate Travel Management (CTM), MICE to help company deliver message to target audience in a corporate events, Hotel, Travel Documents, Travel Insurance, Admission Ticket, Inbound, and other service (car rent, concert ticket, and money changer).

Healthy Eye Pretty I

Pernah dalam suatu sesi ujian diving seorang teman memasang lensa kontak sebelum menggunakan alat-alat diving yang lain. Terus saya bertanya “lho emang bisa pakai lensa kontak di dalam air? nanti kan kena air laut?” dan teman saya waktu itu menjawab “bisa kok, asal hati-hati dan jangan dikucek”. Dari situ saya jadi tau, kalau pemilik mata minus seperti saya sangat memungkinkan untuk menyelam, selama ini kalau menyelam lepas kacamata. yaah blur dikit sih tapi waktu itu saya belum tau kalau ada solusi lebih baik.

Nah, masalaahnya saya ini ga sering pakai lensa kotak juga, ga nyaman, dan ribet aja menurut saya. Kalau pakai, dalam beberapa jam harus segera ditetes cairan biar ga kering, kemudian maksimal 5 jam mata udah merah dan gatal.


Kebetulan minggu lalu saya diundang ke acara Blogger Gathering Healthy Eye Pretty I bersama Alcon dan nara sumber spesialis mata Dr. Andri. Di ditu dijelaskan kalau Alcon, salah satu perusahaan produsen lensa kontak dan alat kesehatan mata ternama, baru saja meluncurkan Air Optix Aqua, lensa kontak silicon yang lembut yang dapat bertahan digunakan hingga 14 jam tanpa membuat mata merah. Masih agak ga percaya nih, soalnya saya kan juga punya pengalaman ga enak pakai lensa kontak, eh ALcon baik menawarkan lensa ontak gratis untuk dicoba, lumayan bisa dipakai sebulan.

Setelah mencobanya, memang beda sih, tekstur lensa kontak Alcon yang lembut juga kenyal membuat mata nyaman, juga lapisannya didesain agar mencegah endapan di mata seperti debu, lemah dan kotoran sehingga mata tidak cepat kering dan merah. WUIH! juga lensa hidrogel dari Alcon ini memberikan oksigen lebih banyak ke mata, sehingga hasilnya mata lebih segar, karena ternyata lensa kontak yang baik itu bukan yang makin basah namun yang makin banyak memberikan oksigen agar mata dapat bernafas dan tetap lega.

Lanjut dalam sesi talkshow, saya sempat tanya nih dengan dr. Andri, misal kalau saya mau menyelam lagi dan menggunakan lensa kotak bagaimana? kata beliau kalau mau menggunakan lensa kontak tidak masalah, namun disarankan untuk menggunakan yang harian saja, jadi sekali pakai langsung buang, untuk alasan kebersihan dan kesehatan mata. hmm benar juga, Alcon juga punya tuh Dailies AquaComfort Plus, lensa kontak harian dengan kelembaban ekstra dan stabilitas air mata agr tetap segar dipakai sepanjang hari. WUIH LAGI!

Selain dua itu, peserta blogger gathering juga dapat mencoba lensa kontak berwarna tanpa minus buat mata normal dan ingin bergaya seperti Syahrini selebriti, juga cairan pembersih dari Alcon Opti-free Replenish, yang membersihkan dan menjaga kebersihan lebih baik dari pada cairan pembersih biasa, dengan teknologi TearGlyde 14 hours mosturizing effect, atau teknologi yang membuat kamu ga perlu sering-sering meneteskan cairan pembersih ke mata, cukup direndam di dalam cairan sewaktu tidur, pagi mulai dipakai jam 7 sampai dilepas 14 jam kemudian. Tidak perlu lagi report netesin mata tiap jam seperti sedang sakit mata. Selain itu cairan pembersih dari ALcon menjamin kenyamanan pemakaian sepanjang hari, menjaga pandangan tetap jernih, membantu mencegah lapisan kornea dari kemerahan & iritasi, dan cocok digunakan untuk lensa kontak jenis silikon hidrogel atau lensa hidrogel.

Okelah! mulai sekarang saya mau lebih sering lagi pake lensa kontak, terutama buat acara-acara heits seperti kondangan dan clubbing.  *kedip kedip manja*


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