How Democratic is the Implementation of Biometric Face Recognition Technology for Boarding Verification in Intercity Train Services?

an analysis from the case of PT. KAI.


Land transportation, especially train, has been a big part of the development of Indonesia. The railroad has become essential for Indonesia’s industry such as the mobility of goods and raw materials, and it has also become one of the cheapest inter-province public transportation with an average of passenger 6000 per month (Badan Pusat Statistik, no date). There are economic benefits, cost efficiency, and less environmental damage by choosing trains to travel over airplanes and private cars (Jones and Lucas, 2012). The increased need for good services and the need for innovation inspired Indonesia’s stated train service company called Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) to implement many innovations (Sejumlah Inovasi KAI Hadirkan pada Usia ke-77 Tahun, no date), but one of them is raising question and concern: the implementation of biometric face recognition as a method of passenger data verification in the boarding gate of the intercity train services. Using biometric face recognition increases the risk of passenger data violation, and the introduction lacks a democratic approach. This essay will analyze the implementation of the technology using the power over/power to frameworks, explore the incertitude of the implementations, and determine the best precaution for the performance to be more democratic.  

The reason behind biometric technology implementation

Since KAI is a state-owned company and the only service provider of inner and inter-city trains, the actions and implementation of the passengers must be accountable to the public. There are two main reasons for the new technology of biometrics for KAI passenger verification based on the KAI’s official website:

First, to lessen the boarding queue of the passengers at the boarding gate. While this reason seems fair and a solution to a problem, the research on the customer care account in X (formerly Twitter) shows no result that any account ever complained about boarding gate queues (Twitter search, 2023). The complaints through the KAI official social media account (@KAI121) before the implementation of face recognition are mainly about the narrow seating (Penumpang Kereta Jarak Jauh Keluhkan Kursi Sempit, no date), fully booked train (Wanita Ini Keluhkan Kapasitas Penumpang KAI Tanpa Kursi yang Membludak Sampai Sulit Bergerak, – Detik Sumsel – Halaman 2, no date), the price of the train tickets (Keluhkan Harga Tiket Kereta Api yang Tak Wajar, Pelanggan Ancam Beralih ke Bus, no date). This result shows that the queuing or process of boarding is not a top priority of passenger complaints. Moreover, there are reluctances from passengers to register their data on the biometric system because of the data security threat (Rahmada, Wientor, 2023).

Second, KAI claimed that installing biometric face recognition technology will boost security inside the station or wagon area. The implementation can be a surveillance tool to recognize the snatcher or abuser in the incident on the train. Selengkapnya (Teknologi Face Recognition KAI, no date. While this is a serious problem and the solution seems promising, face recognition accuracy is still a high concern for technology experts because of the high number of false positives and the algorithmic racial bias (Dauvergne, no date; Why new facial-recognition airport screenings are raising concerns | CU Boulder Today | University of Colorado Boulder, no date; Etzioni, 2018). Moreover, biometric Face recognition is not the primary tool for crime surveillance on the train. CCTVs are more likely to help to catch the culprit or become the main tools for evidence. However, the recent complaint from one passenger who lost their bag on the train shows that the CCTV checking cannot be done at the time of the event. The passenger and the security team will access the CCTV after the train arrives at the designated stations. The chance of the culprit escaping is higher when security checks the CCTV (Ghaisani, Alya, 2023). In other words, biometric face recognition depends on the other surveillance technology. If the other technology is not reliable, the purpose of better passenger security is also challenging to achieve.

What KAI did during the decision making of the biometric technology is not available for the public to see; the information about why KAI implemented biometric face recognition is on their official website, but not report on the urgency and evidence such as the number of queuing cases in the boarding gate or complaints from a passenger about it. That assumes that KAI makes face recognition without a reasonable justification or the public request. KAI asserts its power as a service provider to put coercion and manipulation (power over) (Etzioni, 2018) towards its passengers. KAI uses its capability to predetermine the technology without an open decision-making process with the important stakeholder: KAI’s passengers or, in other words, KAI exercising power over (Avelino, 2021) by knowing or ignoring the risk that can affect its passengers. Moreover, KAI is still allowing passenger who does not agree to register their data to the biometric. Still, KAI also manipulates passenger (nudge), where the passenger who decided to register face recognition will have a nearby boarding gate, while passengers who disagree must walk to the farther gate (Gate Selatan Stasiun Gambir Hanya Layani Boarding Pengenalan Wajah, no date; Face Recognition Boarding Dinilai Ganggu Privasi, KAI: Bisa Boarding Manual, no date).

Although the intention is not bad, and KAI wants to have an innovation of digitalization on the verification of its passenger, advances in technology comes with new uncertainties and failures, and such enthusiasm can bring more harm than good for the passengers (Jasanoff and Jasonoff, 2003; Pestre, 2009). Next, we will analyze the aspect of incertitude in the Face recognition biometric of KAI.

Aspect of incertitude of biometric face recognition technology

What can we know as the incertitude of adopting biometric face recognition as method of verification? In the second part of this essay, I will analyze the aspect of incertitude gathered from many sources in the Andy Stirling mini lecture below.

Figure 1: Aspect of Incertitude (Stirling, 2019)

The use of biometric face recognition has both salient possibilities defined and the possibilities undefined. Engineering failures such as algorithm errors, database errors, or camera errors can be categorized as risks because of the possibilities. Meanwhile, data breaching, data leaking, and fraudulent use of data can be a part of uncertainty. The data breaching can be empirical because there were 79 data breaching cases in Indonesia from 2019 to 2023. From all the cases, 35 out of 79 happened in 2023 alone (Deretan Kasus Kebocoran Data Pribadi di Indonesia Sepanjang 2022-2023, no date). For this matter, KAI claimed that the passenger’s data is good security information management and will update the security gradually (Terapkan Face Recognition, Boarding Kini Cukup Pindai Wajah, no date). However, KAI did not mention how and what is the security system. The public does not know whether they can delete the data from the KAI database, which means that the KAI wholly owns the data from biometrics, and the passenger does not have the power to use and protect their data.

The theoretical uncertainty on biometric face recognition is what the expert called ‘mounting the evidence of privacy violation and right abuses’ (Dauvergne, no date). The stolen data can be sold by criminals to any individual or entity that will benefit from the data for surveillance, politics, or disguise by using stolen identity. Moreover, Indonesia also has an online loan, where people can get a loan from banks, cooperatives, or finance start just by submitting a photo of their ID and their selfie using the ID (Apa Itu Pinjol: Arti, Jenis, no date). Theoretically, any individual or organization with biometric data can use the stolen ID and its user’s face to apply for an online loan. This intention can harm the passenger in the future and cause loss of finances and well-being.

Other possibilities that are undefined by KAI are ambiguity and ignorance. Both can be something that is not yet on decision-makers’ radar or simply ignored. To open the ambiguity of the technology, such as the constitution or the law, for anything related to the use of biometric face recognition in the future. We have such laws and regulations for racial discrimination, transgender rights, and religious discrimination, but what if the culprit of this discrimination is a machine or algorithm, for example (Why new facial-recognition airport screenings are raising concerns | CU Boulder Today | University of Colorado Boulder, no date). Because of the limitation of work and the research, this essay has yet to explore the other possibilities from many different points of view of the expert, passengers, and other possibilities from vulnerable communities such as people with disabilities. Furthermore, in industrial technology and innovation nowadays, the safety of new technologies is delegated chiefly to producers (Jasanoff and Jasonoff, 2003), but the implementer who adopts this technology and how to ensure the accountability of the adopter is rarely discussed; this becomes part of undefined possibilities in the aspect of incertitude.

How to democratize KAI’s new technology with the precaution of a practical framework.

In this section, I will explore what KAI can do to democratize the technology for their passenger using the ‘Precaution of Government Technology’ framework (Stirling, 2016). This precaution has two important promises. First, it is to ‘broaden the attention to the diversity of options’ and second, to ‘open up’ the ‘vibrant, mature, and robust policy over the implication of different interpretation and uncertainty’ (Stirling, 2016).

Figure 2: Precaution of Government Technology (Stirling, 2016)

KAI, as a state-owned company, needs to prepare the communication channels. This channel will help the communication and engagement with public stakeholders at every stage(Stirling, 2016). The first step is the screening. In this part, KAI explores the severe and unambiguous threat of biometric face recognition (Stirling, 2016) through open discussion with many data security and engineering experts, public transportation experts, and other public stakeholders. It seems necessary that the technical input of the problem developed independently of political influences (Jasanoff and Jasonoff, 2003). From the discussion, KAI can then create a ‘Presumption of Prevention,’ a restrictive management measure to mitigate all the risks and unambiguous threats.

In the second step, KAI opens up on the uncertain threat that may come up. First question: is there any scientific uncertainty? If yes, then KAI needs to do a ‘Precautionary Appraisal’ by doing the ‘transdisciplinary engagement, humility on science, targeted research, and pros and cons of the alternatives’ (Stirling, 2016) with the expert, scientist, transportation community, and public in general to see whether there are threat possibilities in the future. The second question is there a socio-politically ambiguous threat? If the answer is yes, the KAI will deliberate by doing the ‘citizen participation, stakeholder negotiation, inclusivity, accessibility, and representative’ (Stirling, 2016) in the process. The deliberation process will be more pervasive and heterogeneous, increasing the demands for greater public involvement (Jasanoff and Jasonoff, 2003). The participation also helps to open the democratic doors, although it is not the panacea. Participation is not immune from powerful interest. KAI’s public participation needs to be aware of the top-down exercise legitimation, acknowledge the power influencing participation transparency, and ensure the participation discussion impacts the policy and implementation (Rowe and Frewer, 2000).

If there is no ambiguous sociopolitic thread, KAI has to do the ‘Risk assessment’ for a ‘rigorous, peer-reviewed, evidence-based, transparent, professional, and comprehensive’ decision-making and implementation (Stirling, 2016). The technology must be based on actual evidence, and KAI can show how many complaints and the urgency of implementing biometric face recognition and that there is no other alternative that has more benefit and less risk for both the company and passengers. The technology must be peer-reviewed before implementation, and all discussion results are accessible. This practice is not contrary to Harrison (1993), who suggests that a company can be a ‘model of openness’ and urges the company to submit their activities to public scrutiny and always to open dialogue with interest groups and the public in general (Spiegelhalter and Riesch, 2011).

Each screening and appraisal step is communicated to the public and stakeholders. The KAI does the evaluation to balance the pros and costs, setting up tolerability, adjusting purpose, and finally choosing the technology, followed by setting up the standard of monitoring the implementation.


The decision by the state-owned train company to install biometric face recognition as a verificatory of the passenger, replacing the manual verification by humans, is raising questions on whether the company implemented the democratic approach to their chosen technology before the decision making. The KAI claimed that the decision was to alleviate the boarding queue and increase the security inside the station and train. However, the decision is not based on evidence, yet the implementation puts more risk to the passenger than the benefit.

The aspects of incertitude of KAI biometric face recognition explored many possibilities of threat from the implementation that are ignored and never been communicated and discussed with the public and interest stakeholders. To create a democratic approach to implementing the new technology in the boarding system, KAI can implement precaution by opening up the multi-perspectives from various stakeholders and the public. The precaution can help KAI to make a better and more democratic decision for their services.


Apa Itu Pinjol: Arti, Jenis, Cara Membedakan Pinjol Legal dan Ilegal (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Avelino, F. (2021) ‘Theories of power and social change. Power contestations and their implications for research on social change and innovation, Journal of Political Power, 14(3), pp. 425–448. Available at:

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Dauvergne, P. (no date) Identified, tracked, and profiled: the politics of resisting facial recognition technology.

Deretan Kasus Kebocoran Data Pribadi di Indonesia Sepanjang 2022-2023 (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Etzioni, A. (2018) China and the Lessons of Modern Surveillance Technology. Available at:

Face Recognition Boarding Dinilai Ganggu Privasi, KAI: Bisa Boarding Manual (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Gate Selatan Stasiun Gambir Hanya Layani Boarding Pengenalan Wajah (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Jasanoff, S. and Jasonoff, S. (2003) TECHNOLOGIES OF HUMILITY: CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN GOVERNING SCIENCE, Source: Minerva. Available at:

Jones, P. and Lucas, K. (2012) ‘The social consequences of transport decision-making: Clarifying concepts, synthesising knowledge and assessing implications’, Journal of Transport Geography, 21, pp. 4–16. Available at:

Keluhkan Harga Tiket Kereta Api yang Tak Wajar, Pelanggan Ancam Beralih ke Bus (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Penumpang Kereta Jarak Jauh Keluhkan Kursi Sempit, Sebut Tak Nyaman Dengkul Beradu dengan Orang Lain (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Pestre, D. (2009) ‘Understanding the Forms of Government in Today’s Liberal and Democratic Societies: An Introduction’, 47(3), pp. 243–260. Available at:

Rowe, G. and Frewer, L.J. (2000) Public Participation Methods: A Framework for Evaluation.

Sejumlah Inovasi KAI Hadirkan pada Usia ke-77 Tahun (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Spiegelhalter, D.J. and Riesch, H. (2011) ‘Don’t know, can’t know: Embracing deeper uncertainties when analysing risks’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. Royal Society, pp. 4730–4750. Available at:

Stirling, A. (2016) Precaution in the Governance of Technology. Available at:

Stirling, A. (2019) Lecture slides: ‘Towards innovation democracies’ as part of the module Democratising Science and Technology’, University of Sussex. 

Teknologi Face Recognition KAI, Manfaat atau Mudarat? (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Terapkan Face Recognition, Boarding Kini Cukup Pindai Wajah (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Twitter. Com/wrahmada/status/1708646472542286084? S=52&t=x0w2by8bydrmwfeaxg5lcw (no date) X (formerly Twitter). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Twitter. Com/goyaaeo/status/1713161202371895362? S=52&t=x0w2by8bydrmwfeaxg5lcw (no date) X (formerly Twitter). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Twitter. Com/search? Q=antrian%20boarding%20%22boarding%22%(Antrian%20or%20boarding%20or%20stasiun)20%(To%3akai121)20%(%40kai121)20%20until%3a2020-08-01%20since%3a2022-08-01&src=typed_query (no date) X (formerly Twitter). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Wanita Ini Keluhkan Kapasitas Penumpang KAI Tanpa Kursi yang Membludak Sampai Sulit Bergerak, Gak Bahaya Ta? – Detik Sumsel – Halaman 2 (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023).

Why new facial-recognition airport screenings raise concerns | CU Boulder Today | University of Colorado Boulder (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 22 October 2023)

Writer’s note:
This essay created in October 2023, there may be updates on the technology and policy afterwards.

Policy Options to Reduce Traffic Congestion in Jakarta, Indonesia

A Policy Memo for Policy Analysis Module in Sustainable Development, MSc

Executive Summary

This report aims to support the provincial government of Jakarta in reducing traffic congestion that costs the Jakarta government more than IDR 100 T per year; it also slows productivity and lower expectancy for the resident.

The report started by assessing the problem symptoms and found there are negative externalities and public good as a market failure and rent-seeking as a government failure in the problem.

To address the symptom of the problem, there are four goals and five impact categories adapted from Weimer & Vining (2017),  such as economic efficiency, environmental impact, equity, and political feasibility.

Three policy options, including the status quo, are analyzed, and I recommend implementing the Congestion Charge to minimize traffic congestion. In addition, I strongly recommend ensuring the monitoring and evaluation of the policy is implemented regularly.

1       Problem Symptom

Jakarta was the 29th of the most congested city in the world[1], with a total vehicle of 26,2 million. Jakarta’s population in 2021 is 11.201.121[2] , and an additional 1,2 million workers from neighboring cities commute daily to Jakarta. In the peak hour (7 am to 10 pm), the average travel time is 20 to 31 minutes per 10km[3].

Traffic congestion in Jakarta not only extends travel time and wastes more fuel, but the number of vehicles also contributes to air pollution. In 2019, air pollution was very unhealthy; the pollution index is 213 (see annexes 1). Even though the report mentioned the main polluters for emission in DKI from the factory, vehicles, especially gasoline and diesel-fueled engine, undoubtedly exacerbated air pollution.

The road congestion problem has become a priority for the Province Government of Jakarta. As a result, the government has allocated 14,2 trillion rupiahs for congestion handling in the 2023 provincial government budgeting[4].

1.1       Market Failures & Government Failures

Jakarta congested traffic affected the residents and workers from the externalities and ill-design of public goods.

1.1.1      Cost inefficiency from fuel and time wasted.

Jakarta’s traffic congestion cost is about 100 trillion rupiahs[5], calculated by the amount of wasted fuel and time to commute. This cost is considered an externality from the ownership of the private vehicle. The cost and scheme to purchase a new car and motorcycle in Indonesia are relatively cheap, even people from middle to low income can have relatively easy access to own new motor vehicle.

1.1.2      Air Pollutions

It is estimated there was 5054 death as a result of air pollution in Jakarta by the Global Burden Disease study in 2019. The same report mentioned that 168,000 years are lost to death because of disease, disability, and premature death because of air pollution. A similar study by Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation reported that a pollution-related disease in Jakarta responsible for 79% or 36000 deaths of total death in 2019[6]. In addition, air pollution contributed to labor loss, increased health expenditures, cramping health providers, and reduced residents’ life quality.

1.1.3      Rivalrous and Non- Excludable

The uncongested road is typically non-rivalrous and non-excludable, which means one driver will not reduce the amount left for others. Therefore, it is difficult to prevent other people from using the road[7]. However, the road becomes rivalrous when many cars and motorcycles appear simultaneously, and the road is congested because the driver begins to impose a cost on each other[8].

1.1.4      Rent-Seeking

Despite the congestion and the lack of parking space in Jakarta, new car and motorcycle sales increase yearly. The involvement of Gaikindo as the importer of cars and motorcycles as an interest group has a significant influence in shaping transportation policy In Indonesia[9]. The central and provincial governments cannot impose radical and strict policies to reduce the purchasing power of new motor vehicles because there is a potential market depression that can affect social and economic crises.

The condition is also aggravated for the Provincial Government because the organized group only communicates with the central (national) government, where the role of the national government is negotiation and lobbying. In contrast, the role of the provincial government is regulation and sales. That means that even when the local government wants to impose a restriction, it will be difficult for law enforcement (see annex 2).

The other interest group potentially hindering the policy taxing the driver/ vehicle owner is the online taxi communities, such as Grab & Gojek. For example, the relatively new interest group was protesting the congestion charge (tax/ electronic road pricing) because it would impact their income as an online taxi[10].

2       Modeling The Problem

To address market and government failures, several variables were identified:

  • Restriction on the number of vehicles entering the city
  • Compensation for residents and drivers
  • Improve public transportation
  • Transparency on the cost, policy monitoring, and evaluation periodically

3       Policy Goals and Impact Category

The goals to reduce traffic congestion in Jakarta are categorized into four priority goals and their impact category.

Economic efficiency

Impact categories: minimize government enforcement budget; minimize fuel and time cost.

As prolonged traffic congestion will be costly for citizens and the government, effective policy on congested roads aims to increase economic efficiency in transportation by minimizing commuting time, productivity, fuel consumption, and the government of Jakarta’s budget for traffic handling each year. This policy’s success will save 100 trillion Rupiah from welfare loss and 14 trillion from the provincial government budget.

Environmental impact

Impact category: minimize emission output by private vehicles in Jakarta.

Of 961kg of CO2 emitted yearly from Jakarta traffic, 263 kilograms is from congestion only[11]. Therefore, the environmental impact of air pollution has become one of the priority goals of the Government of Jakarta Province. The measurement of the emission output will be challenging because Jakarta also has many industries that emit emissions. However, reducing congestion will alleviate a minimum of 269kg of CO2 yearly.


Impact Category: Maximize fairness to vulnerable communities such as the low-income group and people with disabilities.

Jakarta is one of the most robust economies in Indonesia. However, there is 4,69% of the poor population in Jakarta, and the Gini coefficient is high (0,4) or higher than the national level[12]. Therefore, Because of the high inequality, the rich can always pay a charge fee, hail a taxi, take a longer route, or purchase a second car to overcome the regulation and avoid congestion, but the poor and the people with disabilities will continue to suffer lack of transportation options.

Political feasibility

The likelihood of the policy implemented

The government of Jakarta can implement all of the proposals on congested roads with high political feasibility. It means that the Provincial Government of Jakarta will propose the policy will be accepted or have minimum resistance by the stakeholder, such as the Provincial parliament, interest group, and communities. Failing to get approval from the stakeholder will potentially hinder the enforcement.

4       Current Policy

4.1       Odd and Even Plate

The odd-even rule is regulated in the Regulation of the Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Number 88 of 2019 on Amendments to the Governor’s Regulation Number 155 of 2018 on Traffic Restrictions with an Odd-Even System[13]. This regulation means reducing the use of the private car and emission reduction. This regulation is implemented Monday to Friday at the peak hour 06.00 to 10.00 and 16.00 to 21.00. There are several exceptions for the car with disability stickers, public service cars (such as ambulances and fire engines), taxis, and cars loaded with essential commodities such as fuel. There is also an exception for the car with a high military plate number and Indonesia’s ministry/ public agency leader. This regulation is implemented in the main road and the business district area.

4.2       Tariff integration for public transport.

The Provincial Government of Jakarta has tariff integration for all public transport (Busses and inner-city trains) as regulated in the Governor’s Mandate No. 733, 2022. The amount of tariff is a maximum of IDR 10.000 per travel (single tap). The rationale of this regulation is to attract more residents and workers to use public transport. Additional information, Jakarta has 13 corridors route, 1 Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) line, and 1 Light Rapid Transit (LRT) line for more than ten million populations. For comparison, 309 bus routes, six MRT lines, and 2 LTR lines in Singapore for 5,4 million population.

5       Alternative Policy

5.1       Congestion Charging for all Lanes

Congestion tax for consumers/ drivers who enter the congested area. The congestion charge will be applied to all lanes in the CBD areas with the most traffic congestion. The congestion charge is applied to all private vehicles (cars and motorcycles), while inner-city residents, ambulances, fire engines, commercial vehicles, cars with disabilities stickers, public transport vehicles, and international delegation cars will be exempt.

5.2       Free Public Transport (zero fares).

A policy to attract private car & motorcycle owners to use public transport by charging 0 (free) for any inner city public transportation. This policy will increase the equity towards low to middle-income and improve the welfare in the city. The operational cost of public transport will all be under the provincial budget.

6       The analysis.

6.1       Status Quo

Economic efficiency. The odd & even plate is only on the peak hour, while from tom-tom the traffic is all day from 7 am to 10 pm. Not all routes are impacted by these rules. For example, there is no rule for motorcycles even though the number of motorcycles is 17,3 million[14]. This can affect economic efficiency because even though there are fewer cars, more motorcycles will congest the road.

Environmental Impact. The study in Mexico City in 1984-1993 found no evidence that restricting license plate-based driving improves air quality[15]. There are possibilities that the driver will choose their driving schedule into the non-restrictive hour and or add more cars in their possession to match with the odd and even plate.

Equity. Despite having a promising short-term result, this policy has the possibility that citizens may purchase a second car[16] and the increased use of taxis and online transportation such as Gojek and Grab. That means there is inequality in the alternative of transport. The rich can have two or more cars or hail a taxi, while the vulnerable do not have many options.

Political Feasibility. The status quo policy has been implemented for five years without any protest or resistance from the stakeholders. After the lift up of Covid19 lockdown and travel restrictions, the road in Jakarta is back to the highly congested road. However, the Provincial Government and the stakeholder do not change the policy and just improve the policy by creating a traffic nudge, restricting U-turns, or changing the two-way road into a one-way road[17].

6.2       Congestion Charging uniformly to all lanes for cars and motorcycle

Economic Efficiency. The economist has advocated the congestion charge or congestion tax as an excellent cost-benefit action for congested roads. One efficiency study found that if imposed uniformly to all lanes, the congestion charging can achieve more than 90% efficiency. Congestion charging also can help increase government revenue and utilize the revenue to improve transportation welfare[18].

Environmental Impact. Politically, the congestion charging in all lanes uniformly correlated positively with environmental concern compared to other policies such as free public transport and adding more roads[19]. However, if people substitute private cars for a taxi, there will be no significant impact on the emission output.

Equity. The congestion charging will have better equality for people with low income and people with disabilities because the tax revenue can be used to increase transportation infrastructure (such as more routes, better schedules, inclusive sidewalks, and more disability-friendly design). However, some other communities, such as a mother with kids, will not have excellent support for this policy because they are more car-dependent.

Political Feasibility.

The high-income car owner will accept the likelihood of this policy is relatively high because of the value of time and does not have high constrain with cost. However, there will be resistance for middle-income vehicle owners and most motorcycle drivers. The car importer interest group will not be affected much because the tax is only implied in the inner city. 

6.3       Free Public Transport.

Economic Efficiency. Public transport in many cities in the world is most heavily subsidized. However, the optimal public fare can be reduced to zero if there is a congestion charge[20]. Even though it’s uncommon, free public transport can be justified because it can substitute private vehicles and exhibit economic scales (Vander, 2003, as cited in Bull, Munoz, and Silva, 2021). However, another study shows that the free fare incentives will only work with people who live near the station because the cost of travel from home to the station is zero.

Environmental Impact. In the ideal situation, the incentive for public transport increases, and more people substitute private vehicles for public transportation or walking, then the emission will be lower from congestion. However, the emission will be the same if the number of busses increases and congests the shared road.

Equity. Free public transportation will benefit low-income people. An example is that free rides can help unemployed youth increase their job search and find a job. However, the crowded bus will reduce the enjoyment and comfort of passengers, and the Provincial government needs to add more buses. Consequently, adding more buses will increase congestion on the road[21].

Political Feasibility.

The government and the stakeholders will potentially approve the proposal because the cost to subsidize public transportation (IDR 838,3 Billion)[22] is lower than the cost of traffic handling (IDR 14,2 Trillion). However, the policy will succeed if congestion charges/ other taxes are implemented simultaneously.

7       Recommendation

Based on the analysis, I recommend the Provincial Government of Jakarta implement a congestion charge. Implementing the policy will increase the city’s revenue, maximize transportation welfare, and reduce air pollution. The government will save more than IDR 14 trillion or divert to another public service to minimize the Gini coefficient. If the implementation succeeds, the revenue from the congestion charge can be used to pay for the environmental damage because of pollution, such as adding more park and side road plants and subsidies for the health of the residents. This policy must be challenging first because of the driver’s resistance, especially from outside Jakarta. A parking lot in the outer ring of the Jakarta area will need to help workers from out of Jakarta switch their vehicles from private to public. In addition, for implementing this policy, regular monitoring and evaluation of the policy are necessary. Regularly measure the number of cars, congested areas, public transport passengers, and emission numbers.

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Traffic Index ranking | TomTom Traffic Index (no date). Available at: (Accessed: 20 April 2023).

Weimer, D.L. and Vining, A.R. (2017) ‘Policy Analysis Concepts and Practice’. Available at: (Accessed: 20 April 2023).

Zhang, W., Lin Lawell, C.Y.C. and Umanskaya, V.I. (2017) ‘The effects of license plate-based driving restrictions on air quality: Theory and empirical evidence’, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 82, pp. 181–220. Available at:


Annex 1. The level of air pollution in DKI Jakarta by the highes measurement value in 2020.

Source: DKI Jakarta Sectoral Report 2021

Annex 2: The relationship between Gaikindo- Central Government and Provincial Government.


Annex 3: Goals & Impcat Category adapted from Wiemer & Vining, 2017


[1] (Traffic Index ranking | TomTom Traffic Index, no date)

[2] (DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Sectoral Statistics 2021 |i, no date)

[3] (Jakarta traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index, no date)

[4] (‘APBD-2023-Prov-DKI-Jakarta’, no date)

[5] (Jakarta Makin Macet, Negara Bisa Rugi Rp 71-100 T!, no date)

[6] (Syuhada et al., 2023)

[7] (Gruber, 2019)

[8] (Weimer and Vining, 2017)

[9] (Hakoso, no date)

[10] (Demo Tolak Jalan Berbayar, Pengemudi Ojol Sebut Program Jalur Sepeda Justru yang Jadi Biang Macet Halaman all –, no date)

[11] (Jakarta traffic report | TomTom Traffic Index, no date)

[12] (DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Sectoral Statistics 2021 |i, no date)

[13] (DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Sectoral Statistics 2021 |i, no date)

[14] (BPS Provinsi DKI Jakarta, no date a)

[15] (Zhang, Lin Lawell and Umanskaya, 2017)

[16] (Zhang, Lin Lawell and Umanskaya, 2017)

[17] (Dinas Perhubungan DKI Jakarta on Instagram: “#TemanDishub, dalam rangka mengurai kepadatan di berbagai ruas jalan di Jakarta, Dishub DKI Jakarta melakukan Penutupan Putaran Lalu Lintas…”, no date)

[18] (Parry, 2002)

[19] (Börjesson et al., 2015)

[20] (Bull, Muñoz and Silva, 2021)

[21] (Tirachini, Hensher and Rose, 2014)

[22] (MRT Jakarta Catatkan Peningkatan Pendapatan Non-Tiket dalam Tiga Tahun Terakhir, no date; BPS Provinsi DKI Jakarta, no date b; Pendapatan LRT Jakarta Naik 57 Persen pada 2022, no date)

6 reasons why I should go to Gold Coast

When I think about my TOP traveling bucket list, I never put Australia at the top before. Why? maybe because I never knew what is interesting about Australia, at least until I attended “Let The Adventure Begin”, Bloggers Gathering #DwidayaVisitQueensland #DwidayaXFD by Female Daily on 18 December 2015. Speakers from Dwidaya Tour, Australia Tourism, and Virgin Australia brought us knowledge about the country, particularly that of Gold Coast, Queensland. After hearing their presentation,and a little research about Gold Coast, I compiled the following six reasons that make me want to go to Gold Coast so bad:

  1. Adrenaline rush with Gold Coast Adventure

For those who love adventure like me, Gold Coast is one of the best places in Australia that will give you great challenge. Start with the drifting and the thrilling 360 degree spin of Paradise Jetboating, advancing to 230 metres above sea level in Gold Coast SkyPoint Climb, going even higher with the Hot Air Balloon, or if you love playing on the water then you can try Jetpack Flyboard Adventures. If those adventures are still not enough to rush your adrenaline, don’t worry, click here to find the many adventurous activities you can try in Gold Coast.

  1. Everything I Love About Beaches & Water Activity

As a beach & water activity lover, I cannot resist the temptation of cycling on white-sand beaches, whale watching, Australia sunset safari, Gold Coast Island adventure, Gold Coast Buggy Tours, hand-fed dolphins, surfing, diving, and many other beach and water activities. Just mentioned it and Gold Coast will provide it for you. See others water activities here.


Gold Coast summer, Burleigh Heads Beach” by Kerrie Brailsford – Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Commons.

  1. City Sightseeing 

If you are a city lover like me, then Gold Coast offers you many of its magical landmarks, skyscrapers, and also historical sites. Just walk around, rent a car, or take the public transportation for a city tour.


Million dollar view” by Kelly Hunter – Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Commons.

Gold-Coast-Skyline-at-Night” by marty.vdh Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Commons.

  1.  Back to Nature in Gold Coast Natural Attraction & Amusement Parks

Gold Coast is not only famous because of its beaches and buildings, but also of its Rainforest Skywalk in Mount Tamborinewalk through a canopy of flowering and fruiting trees covered by vines whilst you explore the epiphytic orchids and ferns surrounded by the many birds and animals that inhabit the tree tops. You may also enjoy the Gold Coast Botanical Garden;ee, taste, and learn about fruits from around the World in the Tropical Fruit World, and many more!

  1.  Spoil Your Tummy with Amazing Food & Culinary

From Paddock Bakery to Hurricanes Grill Surfer’s Paradise, Gold Coast will never let your tongue and tummy down. Check all of the great culinary here.


  1. Shopping & Night Life 

People said, it’s not a traveling before you see the market and its night life. There are 700 malls in Queensland, which not yet include the street market like Surfers’ Paradise beach front and night quarter market. If you love shopping then prepare your biggest suitcase to bring all of Australian products back home with you.

After identifying all these reasons to visit Gold Coast, my next questions are: “how do I get there?” “How do I prepare my trip and my itinerary?” “How to get the Australian tourist visa?” Well, through their presentation at the bloggers gathering, Dwidaya Tour mentioned that they will provide everything you need for your trip, including the tour package at an affordable price. See the package here:

  1. Flexy Holiday Package 

This package is suitable for those who have limited time. In 4 nights of stay, you can visit the Movie World, Dream World, and Paradise Country Farm Tour. Start from IDR 5.320.000 thatinclud the return tickets.

flexy package


  1. Costsaver Holiday Package

This is the best seller package for summer holiday, start with IDR 23.500.000 you will have 8 days of amazing journey in Australia + Philip Island + Tangalooma. Also there are other packages that will suit your schedule and budget.

costsaver package

  1. Premiere Package

Last but not least, is the premiere package that offers the luxurious and unforgettable experience for you. Yet, Dwidaya Tour also offers you flexibility, beside the packages, you can also create your own destination or activity and Dwidaya Tour will be happy to accommodate your needs. Contact Dwidaya Tour via their Twitter @Dwidaya_Tour or their Website for more information.

premiere package


About Dwidaya Tour

Established on 19 July 1967, PT. Dwidaya World Wide now have more than 70 branches in all over Indonesia. Dwidaya Tour product & service are air ticketing, tour package, Corporate Travel Management (CTM), MICE to help company deliver message to target audience in a corporate events, Hotel, Travel Documents, Travel Insurance, Admission Ticket, Inbound, and other service (car rent, concert ticket, and money changer).

Healthy Eye Pretty I

Pernah dalam suatu sesi ujian diving seorang teman memasang lensa kontak sebelum menggunakan alat-alat diving yang lain. Terus saya bertanya “lho emang bisa pakai lensa kontak di dalam air? nanti kan kena air laut?” dan teman saya waktu itu menjawab “bisa kok, asal hati-hati dan jangan dikucek”. Dari situ saya jadi tau, kalau pemilik mata minus seperti saya sangat memungkinkan untuk menyelam, selama ini kalau menyelam lepas kacamata. yaah blur dikit sih tapi waktu itu saya belum tau kalau ada solusi lebih baik.

Nah, masalaahnya saya ini ga sering pakai lensa kotak juga, ga nyaman, dan ribet aja menurut saya. Kalau pakai, dalam beberapa jam harus segera ditetes cairan biar ga kering, kemudian maksimal 5 jam mata udah merah dan gatal.


Kebetulan minggu lalu saya diundang ke acara Blogger Gathering Healthy Eye Pretty I bersama Alcon dan nara sumber spesialis mata Dr. Andri. Di ditu dijelaskan kalau Alcon, salah satu perusahaan produsen lensa kontak dan alat kesehatan mata ternama, baru saja meluncurkan Air Optix Aqua, lensa kontak silicon yang lembut yang dapat bertahan digunakan hingga 14 jam tanpa membuat mata merah. Masih agak ga percaya nih, soalnya saya kan juga punya pengalaman ga enak pakai lensa kontak, eh ALcon baik menawarkan lensa ontak gratis untuk dicoba, lumayan bisa dipakai sebulan.

Setelah mencobanya, memang beda sih, tekstur lensa kontak Alcon yang lembut juga kenyal membuat mata nyaman, juga lapisannya didesain agar mencegah endapan di mata seperti debu, lemah dan kotoran sehingga mata tidak cepat kering dan merah. WUIH! juga lensa hidrogel dari Alcon ini memberikan oksigen lebih banyak ke mata, sehingga hasilnya mata lebih segar, karena ternyata lensa kontak yang baik itu bukan yang makin basah namun yang makin banyak memberikan oksigen agar mata dapat bernafas dan tetap lega.

Lanjut dalam sesi talkshow, saya sempat tanya nih dengan dr. Andri, misal kalau saya mau menyelam lagi dan menggunakan lensa kotak bagaimana? kata beliau kalau mau menggunakan lensa kontak tidak masalah, namun disarankan untuk menggunakan yang harian saja, jadi sekali pakai langsung buang, untuk alasan kebersihan dan kesehatan mata. hmm benar juga, Alcon juga punya tuh Dailies AquaComfort Plus, lensa kontak harian dengan kelembaban ekstra dan stabilitas air mata agr tetap segar dipakai sepanjang hari. WUIH LAGI!

Selain dua itu, peserta blogger gathering juga dapat mencoba lensa kontak berwarna tanpa minus buat mata normal dan ingin bergaya seperti Syahrini selebriti, juga cairan pembersih dari Alcon Opti-free Replenish, yang membersihkan dan menjaga kebersihan lebih baik dari pada cairan pembersih biasa, dengan teknologi TearGlyde 14 hours mosturizing effect, atau teknologi yang membuat kamu ga perlu sering-sering meneteskan cairan pembersih ke mata, cukup direndam di dalam cairan sewaktu tidur, pagi mulai dipakai jam 7 sampai dilepas 14 jam kemudian. Tidak perlu lagi report netesin mata tiap jam seperti sedang sakit mata. Selain itu cairan pembersih dari ALcon menjamin kenyamanan pemakaian sepanjang hari, menjaga pandangan tetap jernih, membantu mencegah lapisan kornea dari kemerahan & iritasi, dan cocok digunakan untuk lensa kontak jenis silikon hidrogel atau lensa hidrogel.

Okelah! mulai sekarang saya mau lebih sering lagi pake lensa kontak, terutama buat acara-acara heits seperti kondangan dan clubbing.  *kedip kedip manja*

#TripAsikBigBird menjelajah Pantai Cimaja

Sore hari di Sunset Beach
Sore hari di Sunset Beach

Beberapa minggu lalu, seorang teman sebut saja namanya Ipi (bukan nama sebenarnya) mengajak saya dan rekan-rekan lain untuk menjelajah Pantai Selatan di kawasan Sukabumi. Saya sendiri baru tahu kalau Sukabumi ternyata begitu luasnya sehingga kawasannya meliputi bukan hanya dataran tinggi namun juga kawasan Pantai mulai Pelabuhan Ratu sampai dengan Pantai Cimaja, destinasi yang saya kunjungi minggu lalu.
Perjalanan yang awalnya hanya wacana, kemudian diseriusi oleh beberapa rekan, termasuk saya sendiri. Setelah berbulan-bulan kurang vitamin laut dan belum bisa cuti karena masih probation di tempat kerja, maka bepergian saaat weekend menjadi pilihan utama.

Pemandangan Pantai Cimaja
Pemandangan Pantai Cimaja

Setelah mention beberapa teman di twitter, dan bergonta-ganti personil macam anak band, terhitung sudah ada 10 dari kami yang mau ikut perjalanan, untuk perjalanan tidak bisa mengandalkan transportasi umum karena pasti akan habis waktunya di jalan, dan apabila membawa kendaraan sendiri juga cukup repot karena minimal harus membawa dua mobil berukuran 7 seater, apabila harus sewa mobil pastinya juga akan mahal untuk dua hari sewa.
Beruntung ada salah satu teman yang menginformasikan kalau sekarang bisa pesan BigBird atau angkutan transportasi dari Blue bird dengan kendaraan Elf, atau Bus dengan berbagai kapasitas tempat duduk online!. Berhubung sudah H-1 lumayan deg-degan juga kami apakah bisa dapat armada atau tidak.
Pemesanan pun cukup dilakukan secara online aja di sini tinggal pilih armada dan kapasitas seat (bocoran, ada yang BigBird premium juga lho) lokasi penjemputan dan jam, juga berapa lama dan berapa unit, kemudian tinggal ke pembayaran. Dan ternyata, selain bisa dibayar menggunakan kartu kredit, pemesanan Bigbird melalui reservasi online dapat diskon 15% untuk pemesanan hingga 31 Oktober 2016. yeaayy!

BigBird pahlawan perjalanan
BigBird pahlawan perjalanan

Paginya kami berangkat pukul 6 Pagi, Driver BigBird sduah standby mulai puluk 4.30 pagi, perjalanan mulai Ciawi, Menuju ke Sukabumi dan langsung menuju Pantai Cimaja. Perjalanan 6 jam dengan jalan berkelok terbayar sudah saat kami melihat kiluan air laut, kami langsung menuju penginapan di Karang Aji Beach Villa.

Karang Aji Beach Villa
Karang Aji Beach Villa

Penginapan yang unik dengan pemandangan terbaik dari atas bukit sungguh tidak mengecewakan, selepas menaruh barang dan membereskan pembayaran hotel, kamipun menuju pesisir pantai untuk makan siang dan dilanjutkan dengan bermain-main di pantai.

salah satu sudut penginapan
salah satu sudut penginapan

Tempat makan siang yang direkomendasikan dari teman-teman di social media adalah Cimaja Square, rumah makan khas western milik Fathir (adik dari Bucek Depp), selain menu masakan yang digarap dengan serius, di Cimaja Square juga dilengkapi fasilitas meja billiard, tenis meja, dan berbagai permainan lain. Karena kebetula Fathir dan Bucek juga ada di lokasi, sekalian foto bareng lah, lumayan di foto ada yang bening dikit *ditendang pacar*.

Fathir yang di tengah yaa
Fathir yang di tengah yaa

Selesai makan siang langsung menuju pantai Sunset Beach yang direkomendasikan oleh Fathir.
Pantainya sepi, masih bersih, ombaknya cukup besar juga. Benar-benar pantai ideal untuk bersantai atau berenang.
Setelah selesai menanti matahari tenggelam, kami meneruskan perjalanan untuk mencoba salah satu restoran besar di dekat kawasan sunset beach, memuaskan diri makan seafood, dan kembali ke hotel untuk beristirahat.

Sunset Beach
Sunset Beach

Paginya, setelah puas berfoto dan juga sarapan di penginapan, kami berjalan kaki sekitar 200m menuju private beach milik salah satu resort di situ. Pantai ini jauh lebih sepi, dengan pantai yang lebih bersih dan pasir yang lebih putih daripada Sunset Beach. Pantai kece ini ga cukup diceritakan dengan kata-kata, jadi langsung saja lihat foto-foto perjalanan kami.

Andromax 4G Ponsel Kece untuk Oleh-Oleh Mudik Lebaran

ini nih tiga dari 5 Andromax terbaru
ini nih tiga dari 5 Andromax terbaru

Menjelang Ramadhan, dan hari Raya selain sibuk beribadah dan nungguin kolak saat berbuka, para penduduk kota yang rata-rata perantauan juga pasti mikir mudik dan segala tetek-bengeknya.

Bicara tentang mudik, selain transportasi dan perlengkapan selama mudik atau di kampung kadang kita juga diribetkan dengan oleh-oleh untuk keluarga dan sanak saudara di kampung, entah itu makanan, pakaian, motor atau gadget. Untuk hal terakhir, peminatnya sungguh besar, apalagi harga gadget di kampung halaman terkadang lebih mahal dari di kota, sehingga membelikan keluarga gadget seperti handphone bisa jadi pilihan terbaik dan bukti bahwa kita sudah hidup sukses di ibukota. 

Nah, memilih handphone yang bagus dan ramah di kantong juga ga gampang, apalagi akalau kita berniat membelikan tetangga sekampung masing-masing satu buah ya ga? Ditambah keluarga di kampung juga udah pinter-pinter, maunya hp yang ada internetnya, dan juga ada kamera depan biar bisa selfie trus di-upload di facebook.

Mas Seno in action
Mas Seno in action

Kebetulan PT Smartfren Telecom, Tbk pada tanggal 9 Juni 2015 lalu meluncurkan lima perangkat Andromax 4G LTE baru untuk pasar Indonesia yang menghadirkan smartphone dengan performa yang powerful, multimedia dan value terbaik  di kelasnya; Andromax R, Andromax Q, Andromax Qi, Andromax Ec, dan Andromax Es. Kelima device tersebut adalah smartphone Andromax 4G LTE pertama di pasar Indonesia.

Kenapa saya bisa tau? jelas donk kan saya diundang ke acara blogger gatheringnya hihihi

Kelebihan-kelebihan dari Andromax terbaru ini apa saja sih?

  • Perangkat Andromax 4G LTE terbaru ini didukung dengan  performa yang tangguh dari prosesor ter-update, fitur terbaru dan mendukung konektivitas 4G LTE untuk browsing, streaming dan kenyamanan saat men-download, manajemen tugas  yang lebih cepat dan panggilan yang jernih setiap saat.
  • Semua perangkat Andromax 4G LTE telah dilengkapi dengan Android OS 5 Lollipop, dan Cyanogen untuk Andromax Q, Front LED Flash (Andromax R/E).
  • Front Camera 5MP dengan wide angle (Andromax Ec, Es).
  • Prosesor Snapdragon 410 Quadcore 1.2 GHz.
  • Untuk kualitas audio, hampir semua telah dilengkapi dengan teknologi Dolby (Andromax Qi, R, & Es), sedangkan untuk Andromax Q menggunakan AudioFX Cyanogen dan  Andromax Ec menggunakan DTS.

Khusus untuk Andromax Q diluncurkan dengan Cyanogen OS 12, berbasiskan versi Lollipop terbaru dari Android yang menyatukan elemen visual material design, motion dan interactive design. Kelebihan dari Cyanogen ini adalah seperti aplikasi email premium Cyanogen dan kemampuan pengaturan tema yang mendalam, memberikan pengguna akses untuk mengatur hampir setiap aspek tema dari tampilan antarmuka seperti wallpaper, font, ikon, animasi boot, dan aplikasi pihak ke-3.

Pengguna Cyanogen OS juga dapat menikmati aplikasi kamera yang intuitif, yang hadir dengan banyak filter dan fitur yang mempermudah pengguna melakukan selfie, mengambil gambar dan video. Untuk pengalaman audio yang lebih baik, aplikasi AudioFX memberikan audio lossless resolusi tinggi dengan meningkatkan bass, surround, reverb, dan beragam pilihan konfigurasi standar. Sebagai pemimpin dalam hal keamanan dan privasi, pengguna Cyanogen dapat mengontrol data pribadi mereka melalui fitur seperti Privacy Guard, dan memanfaatkan sejumlah fitur keamanan – enkripsi data, find and wipe device, pin scramble password, dan fitur perlindungan aplikasi. Kalau hanya untuk sekedar selfie dan posting di social media, Andromax Q ini sudah jauh lebih tinggi dari yang diharapkan.

Bukan hanya itu saja, Kali ini Smartfren juga melakukan kerjasama dengan perusahaan asal Jepang, Asahi Glass Co.Ltd. Dimana khusus di Andromax R, memiliki layar yang dilapisi dengan kaca Dragontrail yang memiliki daya tahan tinggi, enam kali lipat lebih baik dari kaca biasa. Dengan keberadaan lapisan kaca Dragontrail membuat lapisan kaca layar di Andromax R tidak mudah tergores dan retak. Dragontrail sendiri sudah terbukti kehandalan produknya meskipun memiliki daya tahan yang lebih dari kaca biasa namun kaca ini tetap terlihat bening dan tipis, sehingga membuat Andromax R nyaman dan ringan saat digenggam.

Udah keren begitu berapa harganya?

Ini yang bikin saya terkejut, ternyata harga yang ditawarkan (seperti yang saya intip di sini)  sangat terjangkau bagi masyarakat urban seperti kita.

Andromax R tersedia dalam dua pilihan warna mewah yaitu hitam-emas, hitam-perak, dan putih perak dengan harga jual Rp 1.599.000,- (termasuk PPN) bersama kartu perdana Smartfren dengan gratis data 8GB (2GB data + 6GB Midnight data), 1000 menit ke sesame Smartfren, 10 menit Off ke operator lain, 100 SMS, dan bonus VAS yang berlaku untuk 7 hari.

Andromax Q tersedia dalam dua pilihan warna yaitu biru tua, dan putih, serta dua warna untuk Andromax Qi yakni hitam dan putih dengan harga jual Rp 1.299.000,- (termasuk PPN) bersama kartu perdana Smartfren dengan gratis data 8GB (2GB data + 6GB Midnight data), 1000 menit ke sesame Smartfren, 10 menit Off ke operator lain, 100 SMS, dan bonus VAS yang berlaku untuk 7 hari.

Andromax Ec & ES masing-masing tersedia dalam tiga pilihan warna yaitu hitam, putih, dan abu-abu. Dengan harga jual Rp 999.000,- (termasuk PPN) bersama kartu perdana Smartfren dengan gratis data 8GB (2GB data + 6GB Midnight data), 1000 menit ke sesame Smartfren, 10 menit Off ke operator lain, 100 SMS, dan bonus VAS yang berlaku untuk 7 hari.

Murah banget kaan? silakan langsung borong dan dibagikan ke sanak saudara biar makin hits! 😀

Untuk tau lebih detil mengenai Andromax yang kece ini silakan cek di sini

jangan lupa juga cek foto-foto saya di bawah yaa..

5 hal menarik dalam perjalanan #GoAheadMoment Kamboja


senja di Soetta
senja di Soetta

Matahari sudah hampir terbenam saat saya, dan @bunkdimaz sebagai pemenang jalan-jalan ke Phnom Penh dan juga @motulz  sebagai perwakilan dari brand sampai di termibal 3 bandara Soekarno Hatta.

anak socmed banget
anak socmed banget

Jadwal boarding masih satu jam, dan kami menghabiskan waktu untuk berfoto di dalam boarding gate terminal 3. Dalam perjalanan #GoAheadMoment ini ada lima hal menarik untuk diketahui.

1. Awal Perjalanan


Bagi yang akan ke Phnom Penh dengan Air Asia dari Jakarta, wajib transit di KL dulu, kami transit satu malam di bandara KLIA2, kali pertama saya di Bandara baru ini, karena sebelumnya apabila ke KL saya selalu di LCCT  atau KLIA1. Ternyata KLIA2 cukup nyaman dan bersih, bagi yang ingin menginap tak jauh dari bandara, terdapat beberapa hotel yang menyewakan kamar mulai dari 6 jam dengan harga 140MYR.

masih ada beberapa toko tutup selepas jam 11 malam
masih ada beberapa toko tutup selepas jam 11 malam

Di dalam area foodcourt juga banyak restoran yang buka 24 jam untuk melayani para traveler yang kelaparan di dalam bandara, bahkan toko souvenir atau kosmetik juga ada yang buka 24 jam.

2. Berkeliling Kota

Phnom Pehn dari pesawat
Phnom Pehn dari pesawat

Saat masih di atas pesawat dari KL ke PHN, membayangkan Phnom Penh dalam ingatan dengan kota yang mirip Jakarta tahun ’70-’80 an, dengan kendaraan-kendaraan tua, bangunan berdebu dan minimnya gedung-gedung pencakar langit. Begitu mendarat bandara Phnom Penh Internasional tidak banyak berubah dari tiga tahun lalu, namun setelah kami mendapat taxi saya kaget, taxi mobil sedang yang kami tumpangi menuju ke hotel benar-benar mobil baru dengan AC, pengemudinya pun masih sangat muda, tentunya berbeda dengan yang saya alami tiga tahun lalu di mana saat itu saya dapat taxi tua tanpa AC dan pengemudinya bapak-bapak.

jam sibuk jalanan Phnom Pehn
jam sibuk jalanan Phnom Penh

Berlanjut menyusuri kota selama kurang lebih 40 menit perjalanan ke hotel, saya melihat banyak perubahan terjadi. Mobil-mobil tua yang dulu banyak saya lihat sudah berganti menjadi mobil-mobil baru yang memenuhi jalanan Phnom Penh, namun sepeda motor tua masih lebih banyak dijumpai di Phnom Penh.

Motor Tua yang banyak dijumai di Phnom Penh
Motor Tua yang banyak dijumai di Phnom Penh

Tidak hanya itu saja, pembangunan di wilayah ini pun juga sudah dimulai di mana-mana. Saya menduga dalam beberapa tahun mungkin Phnom Pehn sudah akan seramai Bangkok atau Saigon.


Selain taxi, alat transportasi yang umum digunakan terutama oleh turis yang ingin berkeliling kota adalah Tuk-Tuk, semacam becak motor yang bisa menampung hingga 6 orang penumpang, di area turis akan banyak sopir tuk-tuk yang menawarkan jasanya, harga mulai 15USD untuk sehari berkeliling.

3. Penginapan, Kuliner dan tempat Nongkrong

kamar hotel kami
bed di kamar hotel kami

Ada banyak hotel di Phnom Pehn, mulai dari hostel, budget hotel hingga hotel berbintang 5 dengan pemandangan Sungai Mekong, untuk harga juga bervariasi tergantung budget, untuk perjalanan kali ini saya menginap di Frangipani Fine Arts Hotel, hotel dengan staff yang ramah dan furniture uniknya. terletak di pusat kota dan persis di samping Royal palace.

outdoor breakfast di Frangipani fine art hotel
outdoor breakfast di Frangipani fine art hotel

Beberapa tempat nongkrong seru bisa kita jumpai di tepian Sungai Mekong, bagi pecinta kopi atau minuman beralkohol, cafe dan restaurant di Phnom Penh ini menawarkan harga yang lebih “ramah” dibanding Bali.

nongkrong di phnom  penh
nongkrong di phnom penh

Seorang teman kenalan Kang Motulz menyebutkan bahwa persis di bawah restoran yang kami kunjungi malam sebelumnya, ada sebuah restaurant yang menawarkan pizza dengan toping cannabis atau marijuana, bernama Happy Pizza, levelnya pun beragam mulai dari Happy, Very Happy atau Super Happy *evil grin* sayangnya sampai pulang kami tidak sempat mencicipi.

Touk Cafe & Resto
Touk Cafe & Resto

Untuk restaurant, bagi yang ingin mencari makanan halal di Phnom Penh ada banyak pilihan, salah satunya adalah Rumah Makan Bali yang terletak tak jauh dari hotel kami, seperti namanya, rumah makan ini menawarkan berbagai masakan halal khas Indonesia, namun bagi yang ingin mencicipi masakan Khmer, di Rumah Makan bali juga terdapat ebberapa menu masakan khas Khmer. Pemilih rumah makan yang ternyata orang Sunda ini sungguh ramah dan banyak memberikan informasi bagi kami yang ingin berkeliling Phnom Pehn. Bagi yang datang, jangan sungkan untuk bekenalan dnegan pemilik resto yang dengan senang hati akan membantu.

berbagai macam keong dan makanan lezat lainnya
berbagai macam keong dan makanan lezat lainnya

Selain itu kami juga sempet menikmati hidangan spesial di Ton Le Bassac, yang membuat istimewa di restaurant all you can eat ini adalah hidangan-hidangan spesial seperti beraneka macam keong sungai, mini lobster, lidah bebek dan juga masakan lezat lain. Sangat dianjurkan bagi pecinta masakan eksotis.

suasana Kmer Tourin resto
suasana Khmer Tourin resto

Resto Terakhir yang kami kunjungi adalah Khmer Surin Restaurant. Resto khas Khmer dan Thai food ini mempunyai suasana yang unik dan cocok bagi fine dining. masakannya yang banyak sayuran segar makin membuat saya sulit menjaga porsi makan. :p

4. Atraksi

di atas kapal Sungai Mekong
di atas kapal Sungai Mekong

Kebetulan saat kunjungan kemarin kami tidak menjumpai atraksi-atraksi seru yang sering diselenggarakan di kota ini, namun sempat kami menikmati berlayar di sungai Mekong untuk menikmati sunset selama kurang lebih satu jam. Biaya naik kapal sekitar 4-5 USD per orang, apabila ingin sekalian jamuan makan malam maka biaya akan lebih lagi. Selama berada di atas kapal, saya sempat memperhatikan sebagian dari masyarakat Phnom Pehn  yang hidup di atas kapal-kapal kecil di Sungai Mekong, para “manusia perahu” ini bekerja dengan mencari ikan atau sumber daya yang ada di sungai untuk kemudian mereka jual.

para "manusia perahu"
para “manusia perahu”

Hal lain yang seru dikunjungi adalah Central market, di sini pengunjung bisa mencari berbagai souvenir khas Kamboja, di bagian dalam bangunan banyak pedagang yang menawarkan asesoris dari batu-batuan khas Khmer. Artitektur bangunan ini sangat menarik, konsep kubah dengan jam tinggi di tengah ruangan.

Central market setelah renovasi
Central market setelah renovasi

Jam Menara
Jam Menara

Sewaktu saya riset kecil sebelum ke Phnom Penh saya melihat foto-foto tempat ini di Internet yang tampak lusuh tak terawat, ternyata saat saya sampai di sana lokasi sudah jauh lebih rapi dengan cat yang masih baru. Good work Phnom Pehn!

Beberapa foto pasar tradisional dan juga atraksi lain di sini

5. Masyarakat Lokal

hal menarik dari masyarakat Phnom Penh adalah badan mereka kurus-langsing sekali. Selama tiga hari di sini tidak pernah melihat yang kelebihan berat badan. Kata pemilik Warung Bali, hal tersebut karena masyarakatnya gemar makan sayuran, buah dan juga yang masam-masam. Mungkin juga karena belum banyak fast food resto di Phnom Penh sehingga lemak-lemak masih jauh dari penampakan :p

DSC04877Masyarakat Phnom Pehn sangat ramah, mereka senang dengan tamu, mereka selalu berusaha mengajak tamu mengobrol, dalam pekerjaan pun juga mereka cekatan dan gesit. Hampir di seluruh tempat yang saya kunjungi, para staff dan pegawai memberikan service yang bagus.

Nenek berdoa saat Biksu berkunjung

Banyak Masyarakat yang saya ajak ngobrol mengatakan tidak banyak turis dari Indonesia datang ke Phnom Pehn, juga banyak yang berkeinginan bisa mengunjungi Indonesia atau negara lain di Asia tenggara, namun hal tersebut sangat sulit dengan kondisi ekonomi mereka dan juga permasalahan administrasi imigrasi. Karena walaupun warga Indonesia bisa datang ke Kamboja tanpa visa dan punya sebulan masa kunjungan, hal itu tidak terjadi sebaliknya. Masyarakat Kamboja yang ingin ke luar negeri termasuk Indonesia harus membayar visa dan masa kunjungan hanya selama 2 minggu saja. Namun banyak yang berharap, terutama pemudanya agar penerintah dapat menghapus biaya visa ke negara-negara tetangga sehingga mereka dapat dengan bebas bepergian ke luar negeri.


Apabila punya kesempatan ke Kamboja, sempatkanlah untuk berbicara dengan masyarakat lokal dan menggali cerita menarik dari mereka, entah kondisi ekonomi, politik maupun sejarah kelam Kamboja. Bereksplorasilah dan #GoAheadMoment

Oppo N3 dengan Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset sebagai teman traveling terbaik

Pada saat persiapan traveling, selain persiapan tiket, itinerary, kesehatan, dan berbagai macam persiapan kecil lain, ada satu hal yang tak pernah lupa saya persiapkan yaitu : gadget.

Tentunya dengan kondisi serba digital seperti saat ini, saya tidak perlu lagi repot-repot membawa banyak gadget seperti kamera, pemutar musik, kompas, gps, atau walkie talkie karena semua hal tersebut sudah dapat disatukan dalam satu alat ajaib bernama smartphone.

Dalam memilih smartphone yang tepat untuk traveling gaya backpacker seperti saya yang tidak hanya membutuhkan gadget yang punya kualitas kamera yang oke, namun juga processor yang cepat juga baterai yang tahan lama.

Di situ saya kagum dengan Ponsel seperti Oppo N3 yang memiliki koneksi tercepat, kinerja terbaik, daya tahan baterai terbaik, dan kualitas fitur kamera terbaik. Ponsel dengan processor dari Qualcomm melalui produk snapdragon ingin menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan terbesar dalam smartphone ada pada chipset-nya, bahwa dengan chipset se-powerful Snapdragon maka ponsel seperti OPPO N3 bisa memberikan yang terbaik, mulai dari ketahanan dan kekuatan baterai serta grafis yang ditampilkan oleh ponsel.  Sehingga muncul kecintaan konsumen tidak lagi hanya sebatas pada merek ponselnya saja, namun juga merambah ke chipset apa yang digunakan oleh ponsel tersebut.

Lalu apa saja sih kelebihan  dari chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon ini terutama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan traveling saya? Beberapa hal yang saya dapat dari Snapdragon adalah

kelebihan Snapdragon 801
kelebihan Snapdragon 801

  1. Bisa digunakan untuk koneksi cepat 4G/LTE. Saya senang traveling ke luar negeri, dan tentunya sudah tidak sedikit negara-negara yang sudah menggunakan koneksi cepat 4G/LTE. Apabila koneksi cepat ini tidak didukung oleh gadget yang berkualitas, tentunya kita tidak akan dapat menikmati betapa nyamannya konseksi cepat saat bepergian. Bagi saya, koneksi cepat dapat membantu saat menentukan lokasi pada GPS atau map saat tersesat atau mencari lokasi yang dituju. Cepatnya koneksi juga akan mempermudan instalasi dan pengoperasian berbagai applikasi di smartphone dalam traveling seperti mendapatkan info terkini di suatu lokasi tertentu, booking tiket pesawat atau kereta dengan cepat, atau bahkan melakukan pembayaran dengan online payment baik dari paypall, kartu kredit maupun online banking.
  2. Dapat mendukung kamera ponsel yang paling kuat dengan teknologi khusus untuk memungkinkan lebih banyak megapixel, autofocus lebih cepat, dan terbaik dalam fotografi cahaya rendah. Bagi penggila foto traveling seperti saya, ada moment-moment di mana kita harus mengambil gambar secara cepat seperti saat sedang di tengah jalan dan ada kejadian penting, atraksi jalanan, atau bahkan menangkap gambar istimewa saat kita sedang berjalan-jalan malam hari atau sedang berpetualang di dalam gua dengan pencahayaan rendah. Apapun keadaanya, saya harus bersiap menjepret dengan gadget yang mampu beradaptasi dengan mudah.
  3. Dapat menampung 4K Video. 4K video berarti memiliki kualitas jauh lebih baik dari HD video. Bayangkan saat saya sedang merasakan cepatnya roller coaster di Disnleyland dan saya dapat merekamnya dengan sebuah smartphone, moment tersebut pasti akan mendapatkan banyak pujian si social media.
  4. Memberikan suara berkualitas bioskop untuk video dan musik. Yang tidak kalah penting, saat sedang bepergian, kadang saya hanya ingin diam ditemani musik saat di kereta, bus, atau di saat saya sedang menunggu jadwal pesawat berikutnya tanpa terganggu keriuhan suara disekitar. Smartphone dengan kualitas bioskop seperti OPPO N3 tentunya menjadi pilihan terbaik dalam hal ini.

Bagi yang masih belum percaya dengan kualitas prosessor Snapdragon ini silakan cek link berikut dan temukan apa yang kalian butuhkan dari Smartphone yang dapat kalian andalkan.

Snapdragon 801 processor
Snapdragon 801 processor

alasan untuk tidak pernah meminta pacar mendandani anda

Suatu hari pacar saya pernah bilang “pantes cewek dandannya ga selesai-selesai, kulit berminyak dibersihin biar kering, habis kering ditambah lagi pelembab biar berminyak. Pake blush on ketebelan dibedakin, habis bedak ketebelan ditutup blush on lagi”

Oleh karena itu, munculah ide untuk menantang pacar saya mendandani saya menggunakan alat make up sederhana yang saya pakai sehari-hari. Dalam tantangan ini saya melarang pacar untuk mencontek tutorial make up dalam bentuk apapun, dan saya hanya memberikan waktu lima menit bagi pacar untuk menelaah fungsi dan kegunaan tiap alat make up saya. dan hasilnya seperti ini :

Pertama, siapkan alat make up. 

ini hanya sebagian alat make up yang saya punya
ini hanya sebagian alat make up yang saya punya

Alat make up hanya untuk keperluan sehari-hari dan bukan keperluan pesta, cewek pasti akan mudah menggunakannya namun belum tentu bagi pacar saya yang hampir tidak pernah menyentuh berbagai alat make up ini.

Kedua, saya ambil foto sebelum make up, tanpa pelembab atau make up base apapun.

Wajah polos tanpa make up
Wajah polos tanpa make up

Ketiga, biarkan pacar bekerja dan jangan dibantu sedikitpun ya.

Pacar mulai bekerja dengan serius

Keempat, nikmati saat-saat dia kebingungan dan kegelian dengan hasil karyanya.

tetap tenang dan tahan diri tidak membocorkan masing-masing kegunaan alat make-up

Kelima, silahkan lihat hasilnya dan bandingkan dengan wajah sebelum dimake-up

hasil make up pacar

Agar lebih jelas, berikut perbandingannya

sebelum dan sesudah
sebelum dan sesudah

Jadi pelajaran yang didapat dari tantangan ini adalah : Satu, jangan pernah meremehkan waktu berdandan wanita dan kedua, jangan PERNAH mempercayakan make up pada pacar anda.

Masih ingin mempercayakan make up pada pacar atau suami anda? Dengan tidak mengurangi rasa hormat, saya juga akan tunjukkan kerusakan yang mungkin dapat ditimbulkan

Lipstik yang dirusakkan oleh pacar tersayang

Jangan tanya kenapa sampai bisa begitu bentuk lipstiknya.

Sekali lagi, bonus foto jarak dekat.

maas… satenya 50 tusuk maasss…

Dreamfield Festival with MSpot


Suasana panggung utama Dreamfield fest. gambar diambil oleh photographer resmi DF
Suasana panggung utama Dreamfield fest. gambar diambil oleh photographer resmi DF


Kata orang, kalau menginginkan sesuatu memang harus diucapkan terus, dibayangkan dan diniati dengan sungguh-sungguh biar jadi kenyataan. Percaya ga percaya, apa yang dikatakan orang-orang itu ada benarnya juga, contohnya datang ke acara Dreamfield Festival 2014 ini.
Berawal dari pembicaraan dengan teman yang berencana datang ke Bali untuk datang ke Dreamfield Festival. Nah Dreamfields Festival adalah salah satu festival Electronic Dance Music (EDM) yang paling berkembang di dunia. Berasal dari Belanda, tahun ini Dreamfields Festival hadir juga di Bali, Indonesia, dengan konsep panggung yang unik dan dekorasi yang memesona dengan sentuhan aspek budaya. Diselenggarakan di taman budaya terbesar di Bali, Garuda Wisnu Kencana, pada 16 Agustus 2014, Dreamfields Festival kali ini dipersembahkan oleh BlackRock, Matrixx, dan BlackBeat, serta didukung penuh oleh Marlboro.
Secara saya suka party dan pantai yah, penginnya sih ikut. Sayang karena lagi banyak pengeluaran sehabis lebaran (halah bilang aja bokek) akhirnya saya mengurungkan niat untuk beli tiket Jakarta – Denpasar PP. hiks.
Namanya juga rejeki dan jodoh ga akan kemana, dua hari sebelum acara berlangsung saya dapat telp dari agency Prodigy yang menawarkan saya untuk terbang ke Bali menghadiri Dreamfield Festival. Tanpa pikir panjang langsung saya iyakan kapan lagi kan ke Bali gratis plus akomodasi lengkap *jejingkrakan*.

Sebagian Rombongan Media
Sebagian Rombongan Media

Singkat cerita, sampailah saya bersama beberapa teman dari media lain yang meliput acara tersebut. Begitu sampai kami langsung makan siang dulu sambil menikmati angin pantai di Chiriquito Restaurant, Double Six beach, Seminyak.


Setelah puas makan dan foto-foto bentar, kami langsung check-in Hotel di The Haven Hotel, Seminyak. Beruntungnya lagi, saya dan satu teman sekamar dapat honeymoon suite dengan double room yang mewah abis *kecupin pihak sponsor*.


The Haven dari lobby
The Haven dari lobby

Karena ga mau rugi, saya langsung memanfaatkan kolam renang di depan villa untuk berenang berfoto selfie (berenangnya bentar, foto selfienya banyak). Selesai berenang saya sempat tertidur di bed di balkon (iya di balkon hotel ada bed besar buat ngisis), dan langsung bersiap-siap ke Dreamland GWK untuk makan malam dan berpesta di Dreamfield Festival.

Makan malam mewah diadakan di Jendela Resto, Garuda Wisnu Kencana, depan area festival persis. Selama makan malam suara jedug-jedug DJ sudah mulai terdengar, satu jam kemudian kami sudah masuk ke dalam area Festival.

Jendela Resto, GWK
Jendela Resto, GWK

Festival musik (rave party) yang katanya terbesar di Bali ini berhasil menjual 13.000 tiket dengan asumsi probadi saya bahwa pengunjung sebagian besar berasal dari Jakarta dan sisanya turis asing & masyarakat sekitar Bali 😀 ya habis di mana-mana ketemunya orang-orang Jakarta juga (HIH). Line up dari festival ini ada banyak banget! misal Dash Berlin, Sidney Simson, Ummet Ozcan, Timmy Trumpet, Will Sparks, Wildstylez, Jochen Miller, Nakadia, Nick Sijmen, LA Riots, Dubvison, Mighty Fools, Goldfish & Blink, dan kolaborasi DJ Indyana & Anggun yang  membawakan theme song Dreamfields Festival 2014.

Dash Berlin Performance. foto dari fotografer resmi DF
Dash Berlin Performance.
foto dari fotografer resmi DF

Selain DJ, di panggung samping terdapat juga sejumlah kegiatan interaktif di MSpot Area yang bertemakan racing. Beberapa kegiatan interaktif yang dihadirkan oleh Marlboro di area ini adalah Racing Simulator, Change Tire Challenge, RC Race, dan Augmented Reality Photo Booth. Sesuai dengan semangat Dreamfields Festival untuk menghadirkan international lifestyle experience, Marlboro juga menghadirkan replika Ferrari dan Ducati di sini.

Will Sparks. foto dari fotografer resmi DF
Will Sparks.
foto dari fotografer resmi DF

Seluruh kegiatan di MSpot Area ini merupakan bagian dari kampanye ‘Be>Marlboro’ yang diusung Marlboro sejak bulan Mei tahun lalu. Dengan ‘Be>Marlboro’, Marlboro melalui dua platform utamanya, yakni lifestyle dan racing, secara konsisten mengajak masyarakat dewasa untuk berani mengambil keputusan dan memegang kendali dalam hidup. Inilah alasan Marlboro menghadirkan kegiatan-kegiatan bertema racing yang stylish dan premium that only Marlboro can do! di Dreamfields Festival 2014.

racing games at MSpot
racing games at MSpot

fun Games at MSpot
fun Games at MSpot

Yang lebih menyenangkan lagi, bagi lima individu yang berani mengambil keputusan untuk menyelesaikan seluruh tantangan dan memenangkan kompetisi di MSpot Area, Marlboro memberikan apresiasi berupa special treatment di F1 Singapore Grand Prix bulan November mendatang. Tiket dan akomodasi selama tiga hari dua malam, pengalaman langsung menyaksikan F1 Singapore Grand Prix, dan hadir di konser headliners international, seperti J-Lo, John Legend, dan Robby Williams, diberikan khusus oleh Marlboro bagi lima pemenang dan satu orang temannya *langsung semangat ikutan*.

the winner
the winner

Pagi harinya, walau masih setengah mengantuk saya sudah harus check out dari hotel untuk makan siang di Double Six Beach kembali sebelum kembali ke Jakarta. Overall walaupun perjalanan singkat dan niat banget ke Bali hanya untuk party namun akomodasi dan acara sunggung memuaskan. Thanks to Marlboro dan juga Prodigy yang telah menyelenggarakan kegiatan ini. kiss kiss Ciao bellaaa!

the crowd from stage
the crowd from stage


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